House of Hope: House of Hope is a 9-month shelter program for women with children in crisis designed to give a fresh perspective on life and develop job skills that will enable them to be better support their families.
What We Offer:
1) A clean, safe shelter for women, and their children (girls of any age and boys 10 years and younger)
2) Financial management instruction and practice
3) Personal Biblical counseling and mentoring program
4) Entry workforce experience and education
5) We foster attitudes of co-operation and cohesiveness through our open-air living arrangement in our shelter. While privacy is afforded, there are no private rooms.
6) Ladies are moved toward learning to deal with a 40-hour work week by applying themselves to required homework assignments and completing a total of 40 service hours per week, including job searching, if they are not employed elsewhere.
7) We help women receive the financial assistance available to them and their children. Our food pantry provides staples to help stretch the food dollars of these families.
1) Commit to our 9-month program; we are not a check-in/check-out shelter.
2) Complete our application and interview process.
3) Smokers must commit to not smoking on or off campus. Periodic nicotine testing is required.
4) Submit to a passport system and 9:00pm curfew, as well as Tender Hearts rules and regulations. This is for the purpose of teaching, with the end result being heightened independence.
5) If not a high school graduate, the client will begin working on their GED.
6) If unemployed, the client will begin actively, daily seeking a job. Unemployed or part-time working clients are required to complete service hours in the
7) Tender Hearts Thrift Store, which funds our shelter program.
8) Church attendance 2 times a week at our counseling church is required.
9) Agree that male contact will be limited to family relationships.
10) Submit to our no alcohol or drugs policy, on or off campus, for duration of the program. Periodic alcohol and drug testing is required.
1) Due to insurance requirements, we can only accommodate boys 10 years and younger.
2) Those with drug or alcohol addictions will not be considered for our program. After completion of a 30-day in-patient or out-patient rehab program, they may apply.
3) Certain medications are not permitted in our shelter.
4) Those not able to work a 40-hour week will not be considered for our program due to our back-to-work goal.
5) We are not a care facility and have no nursing staff. Potential clients must be able to care for themselves.
6) Due to safety issues for all, those with conviction of violent crimes, child abuse, property damage, or arson will not be considered.
7) Cases of active domestic violence will be referred to Safe Passage, as we are not an underground facility.
8) We cannot accept those with a recent history of suicide due to the presence of children in our facility.
Intake Requirements
The person wishing to become a part of our program must call 803-684-3131 ext.6 (office) and do a preliminary phone screening with our shelter manager.
If the result points to possible eligibility, an appointment is scheduled to come in and fill out a program application. This step does not assure acceptance.
The applicant must provide names and phone numbers for 3 references, and bring along picture ID and Social Security Number.
Birth certificates must be presented if the applicant has children they wish to be in the shelter.
For the safety of all, a SLED background check will be conducted. It could take between 24 hours to 1 week for these to return.
You may call to inquire the status of your application; you will be called once you are approved or denied.
Upon acceptance, please be mindful that your space will be limited, and only basic possessions should be brought to our shelter.
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
York, SC