Jubilee offers safe and affordable housing, meals, clothing, skill-building opportunities, and case management for approximately 65 female-identifying adults. Participants have their own room with a door that locks, and access to a community kitchen, living & dining rooms, computer room, and a yard. Participants pay 30% of their income in rent, building a positive rental history and minimizing barriers related to rental history gaps.
By utilizing the evidence-based Critical Time Intervention methodology, participants are supported through a phased approach toward stability. As participants increase their confidence, skills, and independence over time, case managers gradually step back to allow that confidence and independence to grow and flourish. The first few months in the program are dedicated to stabilizing the participant, meeting basic physical and mental health needs, and building trust. In their final months, participants are stabilized, self-directed, and beginning to work on an exit plan. Our program is designed to help each participant progress through these phases at a pace that is self-directed but also meets benchmarks of success.
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Seattle, WA