Henry Street Settlement Third Street Women’s Residence
New York, NY

The Third Street Womens Residence provides transitional shelter and supportive services to 79 homeless women with mental illness concerns who are in need of permanent housing. They are referred to the facility from assessment centers and/or by the New York City Department of Homeless Services.
The staff provides an array of social and housing placement services, working with the residents to enhance and develop life management skills, as well as to manage their mental health conditions. When needed, residents are referred to community-based organizations.
Onsite services include:
- Individual and group counseling
- Housing search assistance
- Advocacy
- Onsite medical services
- Onsite psychiatric services
- Applying for government benefits
- Vocational counseling
- Cultural and educational activities
- Meals
- Aftercare services
One of the first publicly funded shelters, the Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors has provided safe refuge and onsite social services for survivors of domestic violence and their children since 1977. The shelter consists of 13 furnished apartments, each shared by two families. During their time-limited length of stay, residents are educated on family safety, non-violent relationship choices, economic self-sufficiency, and finding and maintaining permanent housing.
The shelter accepts both self and agency referrals. The applicant must be a domestic violence survivor with children, and live outside of the Henry Street Settlement catchment area.
On-site services and programs include:
- Twenty-four-hour hotline and refuge
- Family case management
- Individual and group counseling
- Housing search assistance
- Follow-up services
- Legal advocacy
- Vocational counseling
- Social & recreational activities
- Domestic violence support groups for adults and children
- Community outreach and education on the impact of domestic violence
- Aftercare services
- Living skills workshops
- Parenting classes
Inaugurated in 1991 and funded by the New York City Department of Homeless Services, Helens House is a transitional housing program that provides temporary accommodations with on-site social services for 16 single parents and their children up to nine years old. During their stay, each family is housed in a furnished efficiency apartment, and has access to onsite social services that address the psychological and concrete causes and effects of homelessness and unemployment.
Helens House residents have either an active or pending public assistance case, and are referred by the Department of Homeless Services.
Helens House services and programs:
- Family case management
- Individual and group counseling
- Housing search assistance
- Advocacy
- Information and referrals
- Child care
- Employment assistance
- Cultural and educational trips
- Family and youth recreation
- Aftercare services
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
New York, NY