Providing safe and affordable care for children is crucial for working women. Further, it is proven that strong programs build resilience in children. We believe that a parent should never have to choose between getting help due to a Domestic Violence situation and caring for their child. We are intentional with our wrap around services because it what our clients deserve.
We believe that all families regardless of income should have access to systems of early care and education. We work with early childhood educators and families directly to ensure that this happens. Additionally, we offer services to assist care providers in their knowledge of best-practices. Our Provider Services staff offers assistance and educational opportunities to those (licensed or license-exempt) who provide child care and early education.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services:
YWCA is creating a safer, more just world by offering safe and secure emergency shelter, transitional housing, and long-term housing to victims and survivors of gender-based violence so they can avoid homelessness and rebuild their lives. In many communities, YWCA is the only provider of housing for domestic violence survivors. The fact that 1 in 4 women is homeless because of violence commited against her, and more than 92% of homeless mothers have experienced severe physical and/or sexual abuse during their lifetime makes YWCAs services even more crucial.
Counseling helps survivors to address the traumatic impact that violence has had on their families, as well as to secure long-term therapeutic interventions.YWCAs around the country offer adult and child counseling, helping to break the cycle of violence through the provision of trauma-informed services.
Community and Prevention Education:
Around the country, YWCAs offer prevention education to schools, agencies, companies, organizations, and professionals. Prevention education helps to prepare students, teachers, parents, professionals, and community members to recognize and prevent abusive behaviors. YWCAs also provide information and training on the dynamics of domestic violence and how to provide support if an incident of violence occurs.
Case Management/Referral:
Survivors of sexual and domestic violence are often in need of multiple community resources. YWCA case management services help to identify, plan, and facilitate access to resources that meet the needs of survivors and their families.
Financial Literacy Skills:
Financial education and coaching helps survivors help survivors obtain greater financial stability by learning about budgeting, credit and debt issues, and developing the skills and resources needed to work towards independent financial futures. With the support of one of our partners, the Allstate Foundation, in 2010 every YWCA in the country was provided a financial literacy curriculum: The Allstate Moving Ahead through Financial Management Curriculum. The curriculum includes tools and information designed to empower victims of domestic violence and people of all incomes to be self-sufficient with their finances.
Job/Work Skills Training:
A significant barrier for many individuals wanting to leave a violent home is having inadequate financial resources. YWCAs help survivors secure stable employment by providing support through job readiness skills training, job training and placement, resume development, application assistance, and interview preparation.
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Washington, DC