Serving women who are pregnant and homeless, The Haven of Grace provides a safe, nurturing home, educational programs, and long-term support for mother and child. Founded in faith, we instill hope, dignity and the pride of independence, one family at a time. The Haven serves 10 women, ages 18+, and their children. The Haven offers life skills curriculum, safe space to navigate a healthy pregnancy and delivery, GED coaching and continuing educational support, and case management. We also offer the Quad, transitional housing for 2 years on the same grounds as the maternity shelter for 7 families. The Quad offers independent living with continued support, space to meet goals while working or attending school, financial responsibility planning, and case management and on-site therapy. Graduates of both programs are eligible for the following services for 10 years: support as needed to avoid homeless reoccurence, guidance to maintain progress toward goals and stable housing, and extended learning.
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
St. Louis, MO