Shalom House
Harrisburg, PA
Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Programs, All Emergency, Overnight Shelters, Mental Health Facilities

Each program aids participants to locate and move into housing, stabilize income and/or employment, address dysfunctional personal behaviors through recognition and redirection. Residence/participation is contingent upon demonstrating measurable progress on personal goal plan elements.
Progress through Partnerships:
Partnerships leverage our abilities to interrupt the limitations of what we can do alone. In conjunction with partner organizations, we help residents achieve the six vital linchpins of life: family, finance, social, spiritual, physical health, and mental health. These partnerships allow wrap around services and support, personally designed for each woman and/or child, disrupting the barriers to quality results.
SHARP Program:
All women included in the SHARP program meet the definition of chronically homeless as established by HUD; they were all homeless four times out in three years, they have a verified disability or report being HIV positive, have monthly incomes that do not exceed $600, are alone, and generally have a history of substance abuse and/or mental health problems. SHARP aids a minimum of 20 women each year, two-thirds of whom are African American, all are between 30 and 54 years of age.
Emergency Sheltering:
Shalom House is committed to emergency sheltering for homeless women and children, transitional housing for homeless women veterans and their children, and permanent housing for disabled, chronically homeless low-income women.
Shalom House provides temporary shelter for women and children who have nowhere else to go. We provide for their basic needs: a bed, food, clothing, health and hygiene supplies, and a temporary address and telephone number
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Harrisburg, PA