N Street Village
Washington, DC
All Emergency, Overnight Shelters, Day Shelters, Transitional Housing

N Street Village supports women experiencing homelessness in Washington, D.C. by offering a broad spectrum of services, housing, and advocacy in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. We partner with women to achieve stability and make meaningful gains in their housing, income, employment, mental health, physical health, and addiction recovery goals. We have eight locations in our village. Miriam's House offers 25 permanent supportive housing units with shared living spaces for women living with HIV/AIDS. Erna's House is a housing-first program with 30 efficiencies and one-bedroom apartments for women with a history of chronic homelessness. Patricia Handy Place for Women is a downtown emergency night shelter with 213 beds including temporary, senior, and medical respite housing for the citys most vulnerable women. Phyllis Wheatley YWCA has long provided affordable housing to women. The Village partners to provide wrap-around case management services to 42 formerly homeless residents. Diane's House offers 42 units of permanent supportive housing, including 6 units for families, Dianes House expands Village services to four of DCs eight wards. Step Up Rapid Rehousing consists of 17 units of short-term rental and housing assistance for women with income to help individuals experiencing homelessness obtain housing quickly, increase self sufficiency, and stay housed. Capitol Vista provides intensive case management services to 21 women. These services allow them to successfully maintain and sustain their housing permanently. The Flagship location is a full city block between 14th Street and Vermont Avenue NW, bringing together many services including social support and health and wellness programs, in addition to housing and shelter. The Flagship hosts Bethany Day Center (Open hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 7 a.m.-4 p.m.), Judith Morris Wellness Center, the Marj & Mak Vocational Center, and Eden House.
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Washington, DC