Our Maternity Home Program is set up to support you, to help you thrive.
Be Surrounded by Support:
We understand that experiencing a crisis pregnancy is life-changing, and can be isolating. Therefore, the women who participate in our Maternity Home Program live in a community with other mothers who are experiencing often similar transitions and experiences. This community support provides opportunities for connection and encouragement. Also, Our maternity Home Staff Team is here to support you in independent living and thriving.
Our Maternity Home Staff Team can help you process your experiences, access resources, and plan for the future.
Opportunities for Success:
We offer individual and group case management, assistance with setting up social services, group devotional time, and classes offered by Gabriel Network Staff &/or trusted partners
Class topics may include: Parenting, Personal Finance, Conflict and Stress Management, and the like.
Case management provides time and resources to help you prepare for your future.
If a client is invited into our Maternity Home
Intake Requirements
To apply, please call/text our Helpline at 301-637-3223. If you meet our basic housing eligibility requirements, we will put your name on our Housing Application List. Then, our Case Manager will send you an online housing program application as soon as we have Program openings.
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Crofton, MD