We recently published A Place to Call Home for Youth, our collective plan to develop and implement comprehensive new approaches, projects, and strategies to ensure youth age 24 and under have a safe place to call home. The plan was developed with input from more than 250 stakeholders, including youth and young adults with lived experience of homelessness. Through a Youth Action Board, youth and young adults inspired, informed, and provided direction for our collective efforts. Overall planning efforts were led by a Core Team supported by CSB and involving a wide range of stakeholders and an extensive needs assessment and planning process. A Place to Call Home for Youth has been adopted by Community Shelter Board and the Columbus and Franklin County Continuum of Care.
According to the findings of our needs assessment, more than 3,000 youth are estimated to experience homelessness every year, and another 1,400 are at high risk in Franklin County.
Intake Requirements
Food Services
Educational Services
Job/Training Services
Medical Services
Other Services
Contact Information
Columbus, OH